About Bowlarena Lanes
About Bowlarena Lanes
The first Bowlarena was born when Roger Douglas and a few of his Marine Corps buddies wanted a recreational facility of some kind. The group pooled their resources and opened an eight lane bowling center on LeJeune Boulevard in December, 1955. It was located across from Tarawa Terrace. Mr. Douglas did not re-enlist and got out of the Marine Corps to operate the bowling center, with the help of his wife, Rosemary. Due to an electrical fire, the business burned completely to the ground in May, 1960.
Approximately one year later, on May 27, 1961, the next Bowlarena was opened, about a mile away, also on LeJeune Boulevard. The bowling center doubled in size and had sixteen lanes. The Bowlarena was in operation, at this location, for eighteen years.
Business was good, the facilities were getting old, and so it was time for bigger and better things. Again, the Bowlarena moved and doubled in size, in 1979, to thirty-two lanes. The Bowlarena, as it is still known today, is on Western Boulevard. Upon Mr. and Mrs. Douglas’ passing, the Bowlarena is now being operated by the next generation of the Douglas family.
The Bowlarena was founded by Roger and Rosemary Douglas as a family oriented business, where it continues to be a family friendly bowling center today. It is a place where you can have fun with your children and spouse, as well as your adult friends. The Bowlarena’s leagues, today, consist of bowlers from age three to eighty-five. Bowling is truly a sport for all ages!